Two day survival camp

Just completed our first two day survival camp.

Wow what a great 2 days we had and thoroughly enjoyed by all.

We were blessed by some great weather especially clear skies for the night navigation and wildlife viewing.

Congratulations to Jack (12 yrs) who successfully made fire with his bow drill.

Will be looking into our second 2 day camp sometime in September.

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I have a very much hands-on, friendly approach and I will be accompanying each and every experience and adventure no matter how small. I am always on hand to offer advice on trips and ensures your booking proceeds seamlessly. I have spent the majority of my life travelling the world, visiting some of the worlds most remote places from the coldest Arctic to the jungles of Borneo. I have also climbed some of the worlds highest peaks. I have extensive climbing, mountaineering, survival and medical skills. I am also a qualified ski instructor, first aid, PADI qualified diver and instructor. I have been taught by some of the world’s leading bushcraft/survival instructors, including the TV personality Ray Mears.